Receive An Experience

At the Thrive Foundation, we know life can be hard and sometimes receiving a blessing can make all the difference!  We want to do our part in helping to make your dream come true.  If you have a dream or a wish in mind, use the form below to let us know about it.  We can’t make any guarantees, other than we’ll prayerfully consider your request, and the resources available through our ministry partners and donors.

Tell us about why and life has been challenging for you
Describe your wish, and how it would bring joy to your life.
The Thrive Foundation has permission to contact me using the information provided.
The Thrive Foundation has permission to contact me using the information provided.

And if the Memory Makers program is important to you, but you don’t have an intended recipient in mind, that’s ok too!  Use the button below to make a donation to this program.